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Quick Start

There are multiple ways to set up a MonsterJS project, but the easiest method is to clone the starter app from GitHub. Another option is to use the CLI.

Create App

Clone the starter app from GitHub.

git clone monster-app

Once you have cloned the repository, navigate to the starter project directory which is monster-app in the example above.

cd monster-app

Install the dependencies

npm install

To start the local development server, run the following command:

npm start

To view the app, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4000.

Project Structure

After the setup is complete, you can see the project file structure in the current directory.

└── monster.json
└── app
└── app.component.scss
└── app.component.tsx
├── assets
└── environments
├── environment.ts
├── index.html
├── index.ts
├── styles.scss
└── types.d.ts
  • .monster Contains the configurations needed for MonsterJS project.
  • .monster/monster.json The configuration for MonsterJS project. Usually used by the CLI.
  • node_modules/ This is where the installed node packages are located.
  • src/ A directory that contains the source code and assets of your application.
  • src/app/ This is where the codes related to application is located
  • src/app/app.component.scss Contains the css codes of the root component.
  • src/app/app.component.tsx Contains the ts codes of the root component. Any other components must be a child of this component.
  • src/assets/ This is the recommended directory to put all of the asset files.
  • src/environments/ Contains the different environment files for the project.
  • src/environments/environment.ts The development environment of the project.
  • src/environments/ The production environment of the project.
  • src/index.html The main HTML page that is served when someone visits your application.
  • src/index.ts The main entry point of your application. It bootstrap the root module of the entire project.
  • src/styles.scss Contains the global styles of the application.
  • src/types.d.ts Interfaces to override the default types.
  • package.json All the dependencies and configurations of your project.
  • tsconfig.json The typescript configuration file.