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Build MonsterJS Project

To build a MonsterJS application, you can run the following command:

npm run build

Alternatively, if you have webpack-cli installed globally, you can also run:

webpack --mode production

By default, the output of this build process is found in the ./dist folder, but it can be changed using the options available when running the CLI command to build the project.

Command Options

You can also pass some configuration options to the webpack CLI command, as shown below:

webpack --env output=./build

Available Options

OptionsDescriptionValue TypeDefault
--env environment=<value>Build the project using the specified environment.string
--env output=<value>The directory where it should output the bundles, assets and other files.stringdist
--mode <value>Build the project in 'development', 'production', or 'none' mode. See webpack mode for more info about the different modes. This option will determine if the build or serve command will generate a production or development codes.stringdevelopment